The Plain Truth magazine is published on a quarterly basis and is sponsored by the Grace Communion International Malaysia, which is a member of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Malaysia. It follows a non-denominational editorial policy and provides a message of practical help, hope and encouragement from a Christian perspective. In order to read the magazine online, you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader as our files are in PDF format.

The goal of The Plain Truth is to provide articles that inform, educate, cultivate worthwhile values, point to solutions, and provide hope for a world that is increasingly in need of guidance. Our readers come from a broad spectrum of nationalities, ethnic backgrounds and religious convictions. Our writers are also international and multicultural. In these pages you can find articles written by educators, theologians and business leaders.

Our mission is to `make the Bible make sense'. We want to show, in a 'down-to-earth' way, how the gospel can be applied to the challenges we face in everyday life: marital problems, parental difficulties, physical and mental health, ageing, the extremes of affluence and poverty, the impact of changing technology, the unprecedented violence, global politics - in general, how we treat each other and the environment.

In expounding these topics, our writers draw on the Holy Bible, church history, world history, sociology, psychology, and the natural sciences. They strive to present important topics in a writing style that can be readily understood by readers who do not have a background in theology.